Day 25: Possibilities

  • I wish I hadn’t gone out yesterday. It has created far too much anxiety for me. I cannot accurately judge risk under normal circumstances. In this pandemic, everything seems life-threatening. I keep thinking about every little thing I did yesterday and where I might have gone wrong. I know the odds are in my favor, and once upon a time, when I always seemed to be on the right side of the percentages, I would have been comforted by that. The odds have failed me several times in recent years, though, and I no longer trust them. If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to stay home.
  • In more positive news, though my sister-in-law had convinced me that it’s a fisher cat that makes the screaming sound I sometimes hear outside, I can now state with a good degree of certainty that it’s a fox. Tonight I heard the sound, opened the door, and saw a fox running down the driveway. To be perfectly honest, it was dark outside and I only saw the animal’s tail as it rounded the corner of our driveway, but it looked like a fox tail.
  • In even more positive news, telecommuting is getting easier by the day. With everyone working at home now, my employers have finally taken the effort to computerize more tasks. Today they released a digitized version of a form that we telecommuters have been asking for for years. It’s a small thing, but a very good thing.
  • In yet more positive news, I’m well ahead of schedule, having finished 86% of my current issue with 50% of my editing time remaining. If I can continue at this pace, I will be done by the end of the week, and then I will have the freedom to work on anything I please for three whole weeks (knock on wood) .
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