Day 33: Violets and Vanity

  • There is a weedy white flower growing in our front yard. It showed up a few years ago and now it’s really spreading. I pointed it out to my husband and said, “This plant is taking over the yard.” He replied, “You’ve said the same thing about other plants more times than there are Avengers movies.” In truth, we do have a lot of flowers that are “taking over our yard,” but not quite that many!
Weedy white flower,
still to be identified.
(Edit: probably hairy bittercress)
  • Violets are now blooming in the front, back, and side yards, and all the types are out (white, blue, sweet white, and downy).
  • Donald Trump is threatening to cut US funding for the WHO. During a pandemic. I can’t think of a dumber thing to do. It reminds me of the joke I saw on Twitter today: “What’s bordering on stupidity? Canada and Mexico.” It’s not funny, but it’s apt. Trump’s vanity demands a scapegoat, and he doesn’t care how many lives it costs.
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