- It was almost as if the Lords of the Sky didn’t want me to walk today. Every time I started to think maybe I should go out, the sky rumbled. Eventually I took a chance and went outside. It had just stopped raining and the sun was out, though there was thunder in the distance. Marshall came outside and walked for a while with me. He asked me what I wanted to talk about, and I had nothing. My life is so repetitive now that I have nothing to talk about. But we had a nice walk anyway, and we finished just before the rain started up again.
- I made pancakes for dinner. It wasn’t the healthiest of dinners, but it’s what I thought I could manage given the ingredients I had and the mood I was in.
- The coronavirus numbers were not good today. The U.S. had over 65,000 new cases and 900 deaths, and our country’s total death count will top 140,000 later this week. When I first started blogging about the virus and subsequent lockdown, I never could have imagined how poorly we’d do as a nation. I mean, Italy had shown us how easy it was to do poorly, but we’re the U.S., and we’re great, right? Well, not so much now, if ever we were. I am mentally bracing myself for worse numbers to come.
Random Quote
Is it egotistical to quote oneself on one’s own blog?
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