Weekly Features

The nice thing about my blog last year is that there’s a post for nearly every day. Blogs ought to be like that. They ought to have a steady flow of posts.

I would like to start posting again every day, but it’s difficult. I do not like being forced to write when I have nothing to say. Some days are like that, and there’s no getting around it. So I need a method for generating posts on those days.

Having just mentioned Agatha Christie again in my last post, I am reminded of the Weekly Poirot, the weekly feature I used to have on my blog. It was great because it gave me an easy post every week. Sometimes I simply posted the weekly quote without any commentary. Always implied was that I felt the quote was meaningful in some way, so it said something about me without my having to write anything. And sometimes I took the time to say why I liked the quote or even used it as a jumping-off point for talking about my life or events of the outside world.

It would be good having something like that again. I’m just not sure what form it should take. I still like quotes. So I could potentially do another quote-related feature, but one that pulled quotes from a larger pool of sources and not just books by Agatha Christie. It’s worth considering, anyway. I will also think about other forms a weekly feature (or weekly features) might take. I don’t think I’ll be able to get back to posting every day without at least one to help me.

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One Response to Weekly Features

  1. sprite says:

    As you know, I’m a big fan of weekly features. I look forward to seeing what you decide.

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