Happy Third Blogversary!

I almost missed it, but through a series of random thoughts in the shower yesterday, it occurred to me that today was to be my third blogversary. I can’t believe it’s been three years already. And I’m not quite sure what to say about it. Let me think…

What has blogging brought to your life?

It has given me a purpose for writing, an excuse to take pictures of flowers, and a way of recording the special moments of my pregnancy and my son’s childhood. It has helped me to set goals and even to achieve some of them. It has brought me and my Faithful Reader closer in some ways. It is now a part of my life. Even when I don’t post, the blog is still there, waiting for me to come back to it.

What are some of your favorite blog posts?

I’m so glad I wrote and posted some rhymes and limericks, like Wearied and Baad, Baad, Black Sheep. I think they’re fun. I’m also pleased with the Dear Marshall posts. I hope that when he’s older, he’ll read them and understand how wonderful it has been to watch him grow up and how much we love him. And of course, my very first post, Love for One’s Fellow Creatures, is a classic. If I had waited for “the perfect topic” to use for my first post, I would never have started writing. Using such a silly topic made it possible to break into the writing groove and it told readers that I didn’t intend to take myself too seriously.

What are your goals for future blogging?

A lot of my early posts were freeform and stronger creatively that what I’ve been doing recently. I’d like to get some of that creativity back. But on the other hand, I have been working toward writing posts in a more traditional style with the goal of entertaining the reader and not just myself. I’m looking for the right balance. I’d also like to write more stories. But most importantly, I’d like to write more often. I wrote more posts in my first year than in the second two combined! Posting more often is definitely going to be a priority.

So those are my thoughts on my third blogversary. Thanks for reading!

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