It’s So Easy

I like to look back on old posts, particularly when I’m feeling lost, because they are proof that I really do exist. Unfortunately, I don’t have nearly as many old posts as I’d like. I want to believe that the problem lies in the past (i.e., I didn’t write enough back then), but the real trouble is in the here and now. The only time one can write is in the present. If I don’t write a blog post now, it won’t be there later. This is true every hour of every day, and there’s no getting around it.

So why don’t I post more often? Sometimes I don’t have much to talk about. I go looking for an idea and there’s nothing there. Other times, the idea is there, but I can’t seem to find the words for it.

Today, I have very little to say for myself. I worked. I took care of the kids. I stressed over some meaningless stuff. So what is there say?

Nothing. That’s what makes writing this post extra hard. But I’ve got an idea on how to deal with that.

You see, I’ve been thinking about piano-playing and how nonplayers hear a piece of music and think that it must be so hard to play. Sometimes they’re even right. But if anyone were ever to ask me the secret to playing difficult pieces, I would tell them, “First you pretend that it’s easy. Then you play it over and over again until it really is easy.” And it has occurred to me that this method could be applied to most things in life. It’s hard to start anything if you’re worried about how hard it will be. It’s best to just pretend you can handle it, and then make it so.

So, let me tell you about how easy blog-posting is. It’s so very, very easy. And the proof is in this post. Because if it weren’t easy to write it, I would never have finished it. Obviously ๐Ÿ˜‰

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